Category Archives: drawing

Drawing Ideas for Beginners

Even through it’s easy to start drawing, it can sometimes be difficult to think of what to draw. Here are some drawing ideas for beginners to get the creative juices flowing when you put pencil on paper.

These drawing ideas should be fun and relaxing to create. They are all pretty easy to do.

Draw a Smiley Face

drawing of a smiley face

Drawing a smiley face is a great exercise in creativity.

Draw a Face with Crayons

Drawing a face with crayons can be a great way to relax and improve your drawing skills.

Draw a Face with Pencil

Drawing a face with pencil is another good drawing exercise to practice drawing facial features.

Draw a Smiley Face with a Pencil

Draw a face with pencil using this simple smiley face template.

Draw a Famous Person

Draw a famous person by starting with the hair or clothing first. Then draw the facial features.

Draw a House

drawing of a house

Draw a house of any style or design. Think about a childhood home or a favorite house of a relative.

Draw an Animal

Drawing animals can be fun! Drawing a dog is a great exercise.

Draw a Car

Drawing a car is a great way to practice drawing cars. It will also help you learn how cars are built and what makes them look the way they do.

Draw a Computer Mouse

Drawing a computer mouse is an excellent way to practice drawing realistic shapes. It can help you improve your drawing skills.

Draw a Person on the Beach

Drawing a person on the beach is a good drawing exercise for beginners.

Draw a Person on the Train

Drawing a person on the train can help you practice drawing people and their clothes.

Draw a Computer Screen

Drawing a computer screen can be a fun way to practice drawing different kinds of computer screens.

Draw a Hot Dog Stand

Draw a hot dog stand using this template.

Draw a City Skyline

Drawing city skylines is a great exercise for drawing tall buildings. It can also help you practice drawing different types of architecture.

Draw a Clothing Store Sign

Drawing a clothing store sign is an easy way to practice drawing shapes and text at the same time.

Draw a Coffee Cup

Drawing a coffee cup can be fun. You can also practice drawing different kinds of cups and drinking glasses.

Draw a Computer Mouse on a Table

Drawing a computer mouse on a table will help you practice drawing realistic objects. This can also help you practice drawing objects from different angles.

Draw an Apple

Drawing apples can be fun! It can also help you learn about the different parts of an apple and practice drawing realistic fruit.

Draw a Banana

Drawing bananas can be fun! It can also help you learn about the different parts of a banana and practice drawing realistic fruit.

Draw an Orange

Drawing oranges can be fun! It can also help you learn about the different parts of an orange and practice drawing realistic fruit.

Draw a Tomato

Drawing tomatoes can be fun! It can also help you learn about the different parts of a tomato and practice drawing realistic fruit.

Draw an Eggplant

Drawing eggplants can be fun! It can also help you learn about the different parts of an eggplant and practice drawing realistic fruit.

Draw an Olive

Drawing olives can be fun! It can also help you learn about the different parts of an olive and practice drawing realistic fruit.

Draw an Orange Juice Bottle

Drawing an orange juice bottle is an excellent exercise for learning about the different parts of a bottle. It can help you practice drawing realistic shapes and practicing perspective.

Draw a Watermelon

Drawing watermelons can be fun! It can also help you learn about the different parts of a watermelon and practice drawing realistic fruit.

Draw an Apple Juice Bottle

Drawing an apple juice bottle is an excellent exercise for learning about the different parts of a bottle. It can help you practice drawing realistic shapes and practicing perspective.

Draw an Orange Juice Bottle with Candy

Drawing an orange juice bottle with candy is an excellent exercise for learning about the different parts of a bottle. It can help you practice drawing realistic shapes and practicing perspective.

Easy Drawings for Beginners

It’s easy to get started with drawing, but sometimes difficult to think about what to draw. Fortunately, there are many ways to get started with very easy drawings. The following drawing lessons are perfect for the beginning artist to learn the basics of drawing.

Drawing Lesson #1: A Stick Figure Drawing

The first lesson is one of my favorites. It’s a simple stick figure drawing that’s fun and easy. There’s nothing wrong with drawing stick figures as your first drawing lesson. In fact, it’s an ideal exercise because it requires no drawing skills or artistic talent. If you’re new to drawing, this lesson will be a good start. It’s simple enough for any beginner to draw, and there aren’t many rules to remember.

So let’s jump in and take a look at how to draw a simple stick figure drawing!

First, you’ll need some paper and a pencil. The paper should be fairly rough, but not too rough or else you might tear through it when you try to draw. You can use a plain old 8.5″ x 11″ piece of white printer paper.

Now, you can use any pencil, but I like the BIC mechanical pencils because they give me a nice fine line. But don’t worry too much if you use another type of pencil. As long as it has an eraser on it, it’ll work just fine.

Next, grab the paper and pencil, and you’re ready to start drawing!

  1. Start by lightly drawing an oval on your paper. Then make sure that the bottom of the oval is about 1/4 of the way up from the bottom of the page. The top of the oval should be about 3/4 of the way up from the top of the page.
  2. Draw an X in the middle of the oval. This will be the body of your stick figure.
  3. Draw a large circle on top of your body. Make it as big as you want.
  4. Now draw a line from the top of your circle to the bottom. It doesn’t matter how long or short this line is.
  5. Finally, draw a line from the top of the circle down to the middle of your body. This will be your neck.

And that’s all there is to it! You have your stick figure drawing complete. Now you can try to add some detail to it if you’d like.

Drawing Lesson #2: A Cute Girl Drawing

This next drawing lesson is about drawing a cute girl. I like drawing girls because they’re so fun and pretty to draw. This girl drawing lesson is especially good for beginners because it uses so few lines, and yet still looks great! It’s a perfect way for anyone who’s just starting to learn to draw to start practicing.

So let’s get started with drawing a cute girl drawing.

  1. Start by drawing an oval on your paper. Make sure that the bottom of the oval is about 1/4 of the way up from the bottom of the page. The top of the oval should be about 3/4 of the way up from the top of the page.
  2. Inside your oval, draw a large circle that is as big as you want.
  3. Next, draw a line from the top of the circle down to the middle of your body. It doesn’t matter how long or short this line is.
  4. Now draw a line from the top of the circle down to the middle of your body. This will be your neck.
  5. Finally, draw two ovals that are a little smaller than your body circle. These will be your arms and your legs.

And that’s all there is to it! You have your cute girl drawing done.

Drawing Lesson #3: A Kitten Drawing

This next drawing lesson is another fun drawing lesson that teaches you how to draw a cute animal. I like drawing animals because they’re always fun to draw and look great when you’re done. I especially love drawing cats, dogs, kittens, and puppies. I have several drawings of all of these things in my gallery. So I decided to create some drawings for you that will teach you how to draw a kitten drawing.

So let’s get started with drawing a kitten drawing.

  1. Start by drawing an oval on your paper. Make sure that the bottom of the oval is about 1/4 of the way up from the bottom of the page. The top of the oval should be about 3/4 of the way up from the top of the page.
  2. Inside your oval, draw a large circle that is as big as you want.
  3. Now draw a line from the top of the circle down to the middle of your body. It doesn’t matter how long or short this line is.
  4. Next, draw a line from the top of the circle down to the middle of your body. This will be your neck.
  5. Finally, draw two ovals that are a little smaller than your body circle. These will be your arms and your legs.
  6. Now draw a large circle on top of your body circle. This circle will be for the kitten’s head.
  7. Now draw four small circles on top of the head circle. These will be the cat’s ears.
  8. Next draw a small circle in the middle of each ear. These will be the kitten’s eyes.
  9. Now draw three curved lines on either side of the kitten’s head for its hair.
  10. Finally, draw two small ovals that are a little smaller than your body circle. These will be your kitten’s front paws.

And that’s all there is to it! You have your cute kitten drawing complete.

Drawing Lesson #4: A Puppy Drawing

This final lesson teaches you how to draw a cute puppy drawing. I’ve always loved dogs because they’re fun to draw and they always look cute. This puppy drawing lesson is especially good for beginners because it uses so few lines, and yet still looks great! It’s a perfect way for anyone who’s just starting to learn to draw to start practicing.

So let’s get started with drawing a puppy drawing.

  1. Start by drawing an oval on your paper. Make sure that the bottom of the oval is about 1/4 of the way up from the bottom of the page. The top of the oval should be about 3/4 of the way up from the top of the page.
  2. Inside your oval, draw a large circle that is as big as you want.
  3. Now draw a line from the top of the circle down to the middle of your body. It doesn’t matter how long or short this line is.
  4. Next, draw a line from the top of the circle down to the middle of your body. This will be your neck.
  5. Finally, draw two ovals that are a little smaller than your body circle. These will be your arms and your legs.
  6. Now draw a large circle on top of your body circle. This circle will be for the puppy’s head.
  7. Now draw four small circles on top of the head circle. These will be the dog’s ears.
  8. Next draw a small circle in the middle of each ear. These will be the puppy’s eyes.
  9. Now draw three curved lines on either side of the puppy’s head for his hair.
  10. Finally, draw two small ovals that are a little smaller than your body circle. These will be your puppy’s front paws.

And that’s all there is to it! You have your cute puppy drawing complete.

Well there you go! I hope that you enjoyed those drawing lessons, and that you’re ready to try more!