Boom Beach Assault Strategy

You will find two chief components to having a successful offensive strategy: the determining of your army composition and order of deployment, and the application of the Gunboat’s specific capabilities.


The Gunboat has particular abilities that can help and support your troops. It needs to be noted, however, that the and all damaging skills stun capability allow for friendly fire.

The most often used are Artillery and Barrage. Both these deal damage to the opponent ‘s buildings. It is a good idea before deploying troops to destroy essential defenses like Boom Cannons and Cannons. But this order may shift depending on the kinds of troops you want to deploy. It needs to be noticed that shells from both of these deal splash damage to enemy buildings; two or more buildings that touch can be damaged by one shell.

For armies consisting of lower-health units, like Zookas and Riflemen, defensive buildings should be targeted in this arrangement (with Artillery or Batteries), with number one taking the best precedence:

Rocket Launchers, due to splash damage and high range. A single string of shots may be able to wipe out most of a military that includes low health units.

Ability, and mortars, due to splash damage hit their long range against Zookas.

Flamethrowers, due to their ability to inflict high damage to multiple units as well as their damage.

Sniper Towers, because of ability -shot lower- relatively quick shooting speed and health units. Not as dangerous to low -health units as various other defensive buildings, yet.

Cannons are essentially smaller Boom Cannons with a slightly higher rate of fire, and are consequently destroyed for the exact same reasoning. If the Cannon in question can one-shot the troop(s) you plan to deploy, it may be advisable to prioritize the Cannon boom beach over a Boom Cannon, as they’ve similar health and the Cannon fires faster (and will hence kill more of your troops).

Machine Guns are able to make short work of low health units, especially at close range, but a multiple or Hefty Heavies will easily solve the issue.

Boom Cannons can readily one-hit kill a well-being unit that is low, but swarming this defensive structure will readily make waste.

In this order (with Artillery or Barrages), with number one taking the highest precedence:, defensive buildings should be targeted for armies that rely on high health units, like Tanks and Heavies

Boom Cannons’ damage that is high and long range allow them to decide of your high health units one by one, severely crippling your army.

Cannons additionally deal high damage to health units that are high and can eat away at your heavies fairly nicely, but their shorter range prevents them from getting off as many shots before being ruined, in order that they should be prioritized after Boom Cannons.

Rocket Launchers have decent and exceptionally long range DPS splash damage allowing them to pummel your Troops all for a long time. In addition, if your Heavies get in DPS’s spot, it is going to begin killing your fragile Zookas which have a range longer than the blind spot of the Rocket Launcher.

Sniper Towers deal adequate, long range damage to your own Troops. Given enough time, they could badly damage your high health Troops, but their health that is higher than regular makes them advantageous to take out with Gunboat Weaponry.

Mortars have shots that drop slowly which may cause troops to fire over your Heavies as they move up which can lead to a ball Zookas dying.

Flamethrowers can deal high damage to balls of Troops if they have been allowed to, but their short range hinders their ability to shoot at your Troops long enough to make a major difference. Tanks may even destroy it without it hitting any of them because Tanks have a longer assault range compared to the Flamethrower.

Machine Guns do such low, wrong damage, they may be an extremely low threat to health units that are high.

Another extremely important ability is the Flare, previously known as the signal smoke. This skill is used to attack a particular building or to guide troops towards a designated place. The attentive utilisation of the Flare is an excellent way to destroy the opponent’s defensive buildings like the Sniper Tower and the Cannon that can just shoot one target at the same time. It must be noted, however, that the Flare can be utilized in conjunction with the Shock Blast to facilitate a Warrior rush at the HQ.

Both Shock Bomb and the Smoke Screen allow troops an opportunity at not being hit by defenses. The main difference, however, is the Smoke Screen protects troops from enemy fire within its area of effect (allowing troops to move through it but not shoot), while the Shock Blast disables defenses within its area of effect. It is strongly recommended to use these to disable and/or avoid the effect of splash damage units or high damage, depending on which military composition can be used.

Troops can be treated with use of the Medkit. It should be noted that although it might be used to counteract the damage of splash damage shields like the Mortar, Machine Gun and Flamethrower, it does not do much to counteract the damage -target defenses, especially at higher amounts. They are particularly useful when working with Flamethrowers, as it deals damage to troops after it has ceased shooting flames at them.

Common Offensive Maneuvers


There is a meat shield when you use high health troops in your front line of attack to defend your rear line. The most common kind of meatshield military is the Hefty- Zooka or Hooka army. This is extremely useful against moderate-degree bases with few high-dps single shot defenses.


Typically used with Riflemen, opposing defenses overwhelm with the sheer quantity of troops. Flamethrowers, Mortars, and Rocket Launchers can damage and take out many troops at the same time, although singleshot defenses are usually no match for this particular army.


A base that is laid out with the map’s HQ at the very rear is exposed to being sniped. By sending or Riflemen around enemy defenses with Flares, a HQ with few defenses behind it’s not invulnerable to attack from your tree-covered regions behind the foundation. Use this to your advantage.

HQ Rushing

Typically used supporting them with Shock Bombs and Smoke Screens and Flaring the HQ, the Warriors fast destroy the HQ because of their high damage. AOE (area of effect) and splash damage is usually healed back by the Warriors, but high level Boom Cannons, Cannons and Sniper Towers can 1 shot or 2 shot them make sure to Shock Blast these defenses.

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